Sunday, February 25, 2007

TRJ - #6


The wound on Elinor's neck was a wide, curved thing. For a second it was just a thin red line, upturned like a smile. But then the blood began spurting in bright bursts, streaking her white dress red. She crumpled to the ground, where the scattered flowers she had carried received her like a bier. (Year of Wonders - p.258)
This passage was strong in describing the situation. Therefore, I thought to use this passage for this post. A vivid image of spattered blood, cried out pain, and the blood-stained flowers contrasting with the evergreen grass flashed in my mind. Reading and thinking about the blood seeping out and onto Elinor's white gown and flowers was a memorable moment. I could just imagine; Aphra's joy in finally being able to succeed in killing her, Mr. Mompellion shocked to the inner core of his body, and the numbed look on the faces of the villagers. Personally, I felt a bit relieved that she had died. You would be shocked to here this, but logically, maybe it’s not that bad as you think.

The villagers believed that if you died and did good deeds while you were alive, than you would go to heaven and rest there with God. Although you can hardly count dying as a reward, I felt glad Elinor could go and rest peacefully in heaven with God after all the hard work she had during the year of the plague. She had always looked and helped the ones who were sick and the ones who needed love and care. When Anna told her to look after herself too, Elinor usually said there were more people who needed love and care than herself. Anna had not been so sure about that, and I agree. I would not have always put the health of my neighbors in front of mine. Elinor had essentially sacrificed herself to the hilt for those who had the plague and their families. Anna had tried to reassure herself thinking that her dear friend would not feel physical or mental pain anymore since she was dead. That is what I thought too.

I wonder if there is such a person that is like Elinor or willing to be like Elinor today in this world…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ew it sounds sooo disgusting. I thnk this book looks really interssting. I really want to read this book:) comment me